Anyone unfamiliar with how hardy sod is might not think it can survive the cold. The surprising truth is that it actually can.
Anyone unfamiliar with how hardy sod is might not think it can survive the cold. The surprising truth is that it actually can. This is good news, especially as cooler temperatures finally start to settle in as winter approaches. Let’s learn more about the sod you could be thinking about purchasing!
Laying Down the Sod
Something to note about sod is that it won’t always take root right away. Instead, it will go dormant for the time being when there is some frost. It might not be cold enough for that yet, but this factoid is still useful to file away for later. Even so, it’s best to lay it down before the hard freezes come. That way, the roots can be adequately insulated inside the soil.
Giving Enough Water
Like every other plant, shrub, bush, flower, and tree that belongs to your landscape, you need to be sure that the sod gets the right amount of water. Doing this can help it thrive even while dormant. The grass needs to be kept moist because any groundwater that is left on it won’t be enough to do this. As such, you will want to water it two or three times a week. Part of this routine depends on when the sod is first installed. If it was during the spring or summer, then it will behave differently than sod that was introduced only a few weeks ago after Labor Day. Before, you might have watered the turf every day. Now, you don’t have to keep up that pace.
What Sod Do You Want?
The next choice you have pertains to the type of sod that you want to buy. You might already know what perennial flowers are. That same principle applies here with sod and grass. Bermuda grass will look like it is wilting since it goes brown, but once spring returns, it will revive itself. Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue can both last the winter, though.
Getting It Ready
Finally, we came to the step where you need to focus on preparing the sod for the long, cold winter ahead. First, get rid of old grass and open up the soil underneath it. Unroll the sod, because if it is left rolled up for too long, then die off. If the sod doesn’t look green once it has been planted, spray it down with a mixture of water and fertilizer to help it perk back up!
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early, and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!