Sod is a great way to achieve the perfect lawn without seeding.
You’ve probably heard of sod at some point, but understanding what it really is and why it’s important can be difficult. If you’re a home or business owner, you might be wondering if sod is a good choice for you as you look for lawn care solutions. The basic information in this primer on sod can help you decide if it is something to consider when it’s time to upgrade your lawn.
What is it?
Sod is a simple product, it’s literally just grass and dirt. What makes sod special is that it is a thin layer of grass and soil that is held together by the root system of the grass. Sod is grown in many different varieties around the world and is utilized in many different ways.
Where is it used?
Sod is a popular option for golf courses and stadiums, as well as for the lawns of commercial, private, and residential properties. Its resilience to damage as compared to a seeded lawn is what makes it a favorite of sports arenas and golf courses. Its beauty and easy maintenance are a draw for lawn owners who are tired of constantly managing a failing lawn. It can also be used on hillsides to prevent erosion, as it diverts water into the ground.
How is it made?
Sod is farmed! It works like any other crop. It is planted and then maintained until it is ready for harvest. The thing about sod, however, is that it does not travel well. When you invest in sod, you are investing in local business. In addition, local sod farmers will be growing species of grass that thrive in the local climate.
Why choose it?
Sod is a great option in many situations for many reasons. One of the most obvious reasons to choose sod over seeds is that sod is an immediate solution. If you’re tired of maintaining a lawn that just won’t grow right, sod is the answer. It can be laid down and immediately enjoyed without any taxing maintenance. Seeding requires appropriate weather conditions, no strong winds, and a lot of upkeep to make sure they manage to take root and grow. Even after all of this effort, you still might experience problem areas that are struggling to root or are growing at a slower rate than the rest of your lawn. Sod eliminates the guesswork and struggle of seeding and maintenance.
Hopefully, this primer on sod has made it easy to understand what it is and how it is used to make lives easier and lawns better.
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Please find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!