Here are some reasons why you should buy high quality sod from Quantico Creek Sod Farm!
High quality sod is worth it. Whether you need it for commercial or residential purposes, but working with a wholesale sod farm, you can expect low priced sod that will make your landscape look more beautiful than it did last year! Here is some more information about why you should spend your time and money on purchasing the best sod you can from Quantico Creek Sod Farm!
High-Quality Sod Can Reduce Heat Levels
States up and down the East Coast are currently caught in winter’s icy grip. From New York all the way down to South Carolina, there will be chilly conditions on most days with the rare exception of unseasonably warm weather. That can wreak havoc on your lawn since the grass doesn’t know whether to grow or to rest. If you are concerned about how heat levels affect your home’s landscape, rest easy. That’s because high quality sod can help reduce heat stress. Concrete, asphalt, soil, and turf all radiate heat, even if that is impossible. Even though it’s cold outside right now, once spring and summer return, you can expect to sweat in sweltering temperatures again.
It Boosts Property Value
Suppose that one of your resolutions for the new year is to sell your home and move somewhere. However, that probably won’t be able to happen until warmer weather comes back, because moving in the cold is no one’s idea of fun. All the same, high quality sod can help boost property value, allowing you to fetch a higher asking price from prospective buyers.
Helps Stop Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is a problem that vexes many homeowners. Another benefit of buying the best sod is that it can help improve the earth underneath your feet. The roots can cling onto steep hills and help create a more stable landscape. Plus, muddy conditions won’t be as much of a nuisance as they used to be when you invest in fresh-cut sod delivered straight to your door!
Oxygenates Your Home
Did you know that high quality sod also helps improve air quality? That’s right – it inhales carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen. Your lawn is one of the most valuable carbon dioxide filters you have at your disposal. We advise against taking it for granted. Grass can also cut down on the dust and dirt that can irritate your lungs and sinuses, so all in all, you feel better all year long!
Get Your Yard Ready for Fall!
Since our inception from a humble 30-acre field to over 4,500 acres of turf grasses, Quantico Creek Sod Farm is now the LARGEST SOD FARM IN THE TRI-STATE AREA. Our service areas cover Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC Delaware, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. Order early and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Please find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog.